The caffeine was in my bloodstream, I had just finished taking my client through a tough bodyweight workout and “Training Montage” from Rocky IV was in my music playlist que.
“Boom goes my workout dynamite today”, I said to myself perhaps out loud… I can’t remember.
Sure, I got some strange looks, but the veterans of this gym looked at me with that “Yeah baby… that’s Mikey. Mikey knows what’s up. He’s going to earn his weekend pancakes in about 30 minutes or less… kinda’ like that old Dominos pizza commercial.
Uh-oh. I’m getting off track. I’m not focusing on my own workout because I’m too busy making fun of this old school and bald guy over there. I better get back to it” …. look.
And then the fat-burning festivities began. It was like a party… but like… not.
Sweat was poured. Metabolism was cranked. Weights were picked up and put back down including the nasty superset of Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats and DB Rows.
Now that is a great intro to talk to you, right?
But wait… this email gets even more strange.
There will be NO transition. We’ll jump straight to the list…
7 Ways to Bust a Plateau
“Mikey, that was abrupt. Where did these tips come from anyway?”
My dear imaginary person, I trained hundreds of people face-to-face one on one, with small groups and even bootcamps, plus thousands of people online.
I’ve seen what works. Hey, my clients even taught me a thing or two because I was open-minded. That, along with being in this crazy industry for years, you’ll love these tips.
Some of them are “Duh, I knew that”, but you need a reminder because you’ve been lazy with it.
Enough chatter…
#1 – Drink a Protein Shake 60 Minutes Before You Go Out
You’ll be satisfied and less likely to to indulge in a mountain of tortilla chips and salsa, that’s why. When you go into a restaurant really hungry, that’s bad news.
#2 – Read Something Inspiring EVERY Day
I have quiet time every morning with my bible and some good old fashioned silence. Then I read something inspirational. Sometimes it’s scripture. Sometimes it’s a daily devotion. It gives my day perspective and a nice “high”. Try it!
#3 – Upper/Lower Vs Full Body?
I’ve seen the BEST results with full body workouts, but sometimes you just need a change so that you stay consistent and not get bored.
So if you’re on a full body workout 3 days a week, you can switch to a upper/lower split.
Like 3 days a week?
Mon – Lower Body
Wed – Upper Body
Fri – Full Body
Or if you like 4 days a week…
Mon – Lower Body
Tue – Upper Body
Thu – Lower Body
Fri – Upper Body
And of course, if you’re on a split, move to full body workouts.
#4 – Don’t Watch Reruns of “Friends”All Day
I always told my clients to enjoy a walk outside or play with their kids… just find something you enjoy. You won’t burn a ton of calories, but what it does for your mindset is what’s beautiful about this. You’ll find making better choices MUCH easier.
Besides, if you’re watching TV, you’re tempted to eat. We can all agree eating and watching TV at the same time is fun, right? But it’s dangerous to your waist line.
#5 – Donate to a Charity You DESPISE
Here’s the deal. Claim to the world (use facebook, twitter, email, forum… whatever) your monthly goal.
For example. You promise to do the following in the next
30 days:
12 workouts
4 reward meals only
If you miss the mark, you donate money to a charity you despise.
Make it enough that makes it sting… like $100.
#6 – Stuffing?
I enjoy being full. It’s so rare for me that when it happens. I think the last time I was actually full was on Christmas Day.
Now if ate until I was stuffed every time, I’d be back to my old self within a week. Wanna see something special? Watch me on Thanksgiving.
So, eat until you’re satisfied, not stuffed.
#7 – Swap for Singles
If you’re squatting, good for you. Now switch those out for split squats.
DB Split Squats are one of the most under-rated exercises ever. You’ll crush your quads, glutes and hamstrings even more. Plus, you’ll improve your grip strength and improve any imbalances.
Do this with the Incline DB Chest Press (work one side at a time with the other hand on your abs. You will SMOKE your core if you do a rep range of 6 to 8 per side).
Abrupt ending,
Mikey Whitfield, Master CTT
PS – Like these tips? Good for you. But that won’t do anything for your health. Start using ONE tip from this list today. Print this out and refer to it often, along with this quote…
“If you don’t like where you are, then change it. You are not a tree.” – Author unknown